

ENOHERB - Raw Materials for Food Industry

Get to know the natural raw materials offer and become our business partner!

ENO History

Success not only in Lithuania but also abroad forced an issue to deal with the storage problem therefore company decided to expand into a bigger warehouse and new office, both located in Babtai, Lithuania.


Registration of the Eno Extractum company

Company is registered and started its activity in 2008. Two family members - wife and husband had an idea to provide local community with natural, organic raw materials for food industry.

After 5 years of succesfuly expanding into local market, company has decided to start the production of CO2 extracts

Investments into two sub critical CO2 extractors were made. Together with engineers and production manager it was set to produce pure product from natural raw materials.



New office and warehouse

Success not only in Lithuania but also abroad forced to face an issue with storage space therefore the company decided to expand to larger warehouse and new office, both located in Babtai, Lithuania.

Company Eno Exctractum has joined a Lithuanian National Food Cluster.

The National Food Industry Cluster is a cooperation network of Lithuanian food sector business enterprises and scientific research institutions aiming to; to identify market niches, on the basis of which the Lithuanian food industry could replace low added value creation chains with high added value creation chains; to concentrate human, financial, organizational, infrastructural and technological resources, with Lithuanian companies occupying the intended market niches; to organize the continuous process of acquisition of skills, knowledge, and information by network participants, allowing them to become active and competitive market participants.


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